CRO is Probably Not for You
CRO (Conversion Rate Optimization) is not for you. Yes, you.
It's not a magic pill. It's not a gold mine. It's not the wild west of growth hacks.
It's work - a lot of work. Work, by default, means a lot of failures. If you put in the work you will fail a lot, it's normal.
Are you willing to take the risk of experimenting with your website and its users knowing you will fail more than half the time?
Are you willing to fail big? really big?
Are you willing to work on an experiment for 6 weeks just to be proven wrong - that your idea sucked?
That's the reality of experimentation and optimization.
It's worth it, the winners will be big.
Yes, the winners might be big. The winners might increase revenues. Maybe.
It's not about winning and failing - it's about learning.
Are you willing to learn from each mistake?
Are you willing to let go of your ego and be proven wrong?
Are you willing to build on your learnings?
Are you willing to keep trying?
Got grit?
Ok, then let's go for it. Let's learn.
CRO is learning - it's learning about your customer and what they need.
It's failing.
Without failing you won't learn. Without failing you will not grow.